O utline.
  • Make an outline of the major points and the details that you want to include in your paper.
A stylized outline.
S ay the outline aloud.
  • Read the outline over so that you see the relationship between the ideas.

  • As you read the outline, think of the main ideas that are most important to your paper.
The thinker thinking about main ideas and details.
W rite introduction.
  • Write a paragraph introducing your paper.

  • Include the main ideas that you picked out when you read the outline aloud.
An introductory paragraph.

A dd connecting ideas.
  • As you write your paper, write sentences to connect the ideas from one paragraph to another.

  • Think of words that help show the relationship between ideas (e.g., therefore, after, before).

Some connecting ideas in the paper.
L ook over the connections.

Re-read your paper starting with the introduction. Make sure each of the paragraphs are connected to the introduction and to each other.
A paper that needs to be reread
D raft conclusion.

Based on your introduction and the ideas you presented in the body of your paper, write an ending that will wrap up all the ideas.

A conclusion has been added to the paper.



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