A t the end of each class, make a list of what you need to take home.
  • In the homework section of your notebook or in your planner, make a list of what you need to take home for studying and homework for each class.

  • Think ahead by including things on your list that you will need to complete for an assignment that is due in a few days.
A list of things needed for school.
D ecide what you need to take home from your list at the end of the day.
  • Look at the list and see what work you finished at school and see what needs to be taken home.

  • Check off the items on the list as you put them in your bookbag.

  • Check the list to determine if you need to ask your teacher about a specific assignment.
Materials to take home.
A sk your teacher to answer questions you have about homework or studying.
  • After reviewing your list, ask your teacher questions for clarification.

  • After the teacher answers the questions, make sure you have the necessary materials to take home.
A student asking questions about homework and studying.
P ause right before you walk out of school and ask yourself, "Do I have everything I need?"
  • Even if you checked your list, make sure you check it one more time before leaving school because once you're out of school, you won't be able to get the materials you need.
A student asking himself, "Do I have everything I need ?"
T ry not to give up even if you discover at home that you have forgotten something.
  • If you need something, call a friend to try to borrow the material you need.

  • If available, call a homework hotline or check a school homework website.

  • If the teacher approves, call the teacher for help.

  • If you cannot get help from anyone, complete the assignment the best that you can. Do not leave the assignment undone just because you forgot something. Always try to do the best that you can!
A telephone that could be used to call a friend.



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