C over the answers.
R ead the question carefully.
  • Highlight the important words.
    "I am underlining the word "all" and "harmful" because I must think of all the harmful side effects of alcohol on the body. The word "except" is underlined because it is a tricky question. I am going to choose the choice that is NOT a harmful side effect of alcohol."All of the following are harmful side effects of alcohol consumption on the body except?
  • Put the question in your own words.
    "They want to know which one is NOT a harmful side effect of alcohol consumption. So I need to list all the harmful side effects of alcohol on the body that I do know. I can cross out those answers and the answer left should be the correct answer."
  • Remember where you saw the answer in your text or notes.
    "I remember writing the answer down in my notes from an overhead in class. We made a list of all the side effects of alcohol consumption."
A nswer the question without looking at the choices.
"I know that blurred speech and vision, liver damage, and sensation and perception loss are all harmful side effects of alcohol consumption on the body."
M atch your answer to one of the given choices.
  • Is there a choice that matches my answer?
    "My answer matches the choice b- sensation and perception decrease and choice d- blurred vision."
  • Are there any selections that I can eliminate?
    "Now I remember the rapid loss of body heat was also a harmful side effect. So choice c- soreness in the back and spine is the answer."



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