ind the main ideas and topics.
- First read your title and ask if it clearly
presents the topic of the paper.
- Then read your paper and ask yourself if each
paragragh is related to the topic and contributes to the overall
meaning of the paper.
sk yourself if the paper is well organized.
- Read the paper to make sure that it has a
clear beginning, middle, and end.
- Make sure that the ending is not under-developed.
Sometimes writers are eager to finish their papers as they get
near the end, and they don't develop their ideas adequately
at the conclusion.
can each word and sentence.
- Read your paper and ask yourself if each of
the words and sentences clearly present the ideas you want.
ake the time to re-write.
- If you find any words, sentences, or sections
that would not be clear to the reader, re-write them.
- Re-read your re-written paper to make sure
that it would be understandable to any reader.