S tatements that are absolute are usually false.
  • Words such as these represent absolutes: all, every, never, and no are usually FALSE.

  • Examples: All animals are reptiles; Every person in the Congress is a man.
Statements that are usually false.
Q ualified statements are usually true.
  • Words such as these represent qualifiers: some, most, and sometimes are usually TRUE.

  • Examples: Some animals are reptiles. Most of the people in the Congress are men.
Statements that are usually true.
U nderline the negatives.
  • Words such as these are negatives: not, cannot, do not, no, the prefix in(incomplete) and the prefix un(unimportant) in each statement.

  • Examples: Washington D.C. is not the capital of the United States. 365 days is an incomplete year.
Underlining negatives.
I f a statement has 2 negatives, cross out both negatives.
  • Cross out both of the negatives and read the sentence without them. This will clearly show the meaning.

  • Examples: People will not buy luxury goods if they do not have disposable income. People will buy luxury goods if they have disposable income.
A statement with both negatives crossed out.
D ecide that a statement is TRUE only if EVERYTHING about the statement is true.
  • Items on a test often include information that is true except for a detail, so pay close attention to the complete statement.

  • Examples: Massachusetts, Virginia, and Pennsylvania were all part of the original 13 colonies (true because all 3 were part of the original 13 colonies). Massachusetts, Virginia, and Montana were all part of the original 13 colonies (not true because Montana was not one of the original 13 colonies).
Making a decision about a possibly true statement.



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