ry not to doodle while taking notes.
- Doodling breaks your
concentration and takes your focus away from note taking.
Each time you feel yourself
wanting to doodle, take that urge and write down what the
teacher is saying.
rrive at each class prepared.
- Read all assigned readings and review all
previous lecture notes so that you will understand what is covered
in the lecture.
- If you are not prepared, you will be
more likely to daydream and become distracted.
it near the front of the classroom.
- Sit near the front so that you can clearly
see the teacher, the chalkboard, and any overheads, Power Point
or computer presentation.
it away from friends.
- If you sit near friends, you will be tempted
to talk or pass notes to them.
- If you have assigned seats and you have
to sit near friends, resist talking to them or passing notes
during class.
nd daydreaming.