C opy
chapter headings and subheadings onto colored note cards.
"The main headings of this section
of the chapter are
- Natural Selection,
- Evidence of Evolution
- Mechanisms of Evolution
I will write each of these on a different colored note card."
O rganize
the important facts, definitions, and information onto white note
"I will start out by writing
the important information for the heading on Natural Selection.
I will write "Charles Darwin" on the front of a card
and on the back I will write :
- Founder of evolutionary theory
- Formed hypothesis on evolution on Galapagos Islands
Next I will write definition on the front and on the back I will
- Change in populations that occurs when organisms with favorable
variations for an environment survive, reproduce, and pass
those variations onto the next generation.
On the third card I will write the word Adaptations on the front
and the definition on the back:
- Make organisms more likely to survive
- Examples are mimicry and camouflage."
N umber
the white note cards to show the order they appeared in the book.
rrange the colored note cards
in columns.
dentify each card's correct place underneath the colored cards.
"The card with Charles Darwin
goes first under the heading of Natural Selection. Then the cards
on Definitions and Adaptations are next."
eview information on each card.
"I've put all the white cards
in the right columns. Now I'm going to read the front as a question
like, "Who was Charles Darwin?" Then I will check the
back to see if I'm right."