F ind what you are solving for.
  • Look for the question mark.

  • Underline the information that tells you what you are solving for.

  • Name the variable (what you are solving for) with a letter and write it after the question mark.

A sk yourself, "What is the important information?"

  • Read each sentence.

  • Find the number phrases and circle them.

S et up the equation.
  • Write the equation with the variables and the numbers in the correct order.

Take the equation and solve it.

  • Solve the equation and write the answer.

  • If you can't solve the equation, then use "DRAW" to solve it.


D iscover the variable and the operations.
  • Scan the equation and look for operation signs (+, -, x, ÷).

  • Circle the operation sign.


R ead the equation and combine like terms.

  • Read the whole equation out loud.

  • Look for "like terms."

    • For example, numbers that have the same letter next to them: 6a + 2a + 5 + 2 = 15. Both "6a" and "2a" are like terms. Also, numbers without letters next to them are like terms ("5" & "2").

  • Combine like terms.

    • For example, "6a" and "2a" can be combined (6a + 2a = "8a"). Also, "5" and "2" can be combined (5 + 2 = "7").

      6a + 2a + 5 + 2 = 15 now becomes 8a + 7 = 15.
A nswer the equation, or draw and check.
  • See example of how to draw the solution.
Write the answer for the variable and check the equation.
  • Write the number that represents the answer.

    • For example: a = 1

  • Substitute your answer for the letter in the original equation.

    • For example:

      6a + 2a + 5 + 2 = 15
      6(1) + 2(1) + 5 + 2 = 15

  • Work the problem and see if the left side equals the right side.

    • For example:

      6(1) + 2(1) + 5 + 2 = 15
      (6 x 1) + (2 x 1) + 5 + 2 = 15
      6 + 2 + 5 + 2 = 15
      15 = 15

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