etting :
- This story is entitled "The Bride Comes
to Yellow Sky" by Stephen Crane.
- Setting: Yellow Sky, TX
- Characters:
- Jack Potter
- His Bride
- Scratchy Wilson
- Towns people
P roblem
- The problem to be solved is what will Scratchy
Wilson do in the town and will he kill Jack Potter?
rder of Action The story unfolded
in the following sequence:
- Jack Potter and his new bride are on the train
back to Yellow Sky.
- Scratchy Wilson comes to town with his guns,
looking to fight Jack Potter.
- Jack Potter and his wife arrive in Yellow
- Jack Potter and his bride meet up with Scratchy
and Scratchy threatens to shoot Jack.
- Scratchy sees Jack's bride. .
- Scratchy leaves town.
R esolution
- The problem is solved when Jack tells Scratchy
he isn't wearing his gun because he just got married.
E nd
- At the end of the story, Scratchy finds out
that Jack is married, sees Jack's new bride, and leaves town.